Tuesday, September 16, 2008


It has been a while since we have blogged and although we have been talking about it alot in the past month or two neither of us have actually done anything, sorry!

We had a pretty harsh April through June but God is faithful and we are a family working on being a family. Sam has is prostethic leg which is good and bad, it rubs a blister on one area of scar tissue so he cant wear it for long periods of time. We will be going in to "revise" the scar on Oct. 7th they said 85% chance that it will fix the problems and just make it more comfortable in general. Sam is excited to do it, he really wants to wear the leg all day and not have it hurt!

The rest of the family it busy, school is in full swing we have a 9th grader (so not ready to have a high schooler) 6th, (2) 5th, 3rd, and 2nd! They all love school though and are very happy to have friends and social interaction with more than just siblings and an occasional friend.

We are busy with that soccer and the orphan care ministry at our church. We are working on a concert/informational evening in Nov. Other than that we are continuing to grow together not always easy or fun but it will be so worth it!