Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A funny thing on the way to Chinese

Last night a few of us went to pick up Chinese, as we were leaving the parking lot there is a little day care place with the little buses out front when Abby asks "Why Mom?" I start telling her about the fact that some parents work long hours and the buses come get kids from school...... Abby grows more and more upset, "Cold Mom, Ethiopia Mom, no food" she is pratically in tears at this time when I catch a glimpse of what she is seeing. There are two people on a bench infront of the day care. "We will go back Abby we will help them okay." We turn around and go back, Abby is so upset her seat belt is off and she is ready to jump out of the car and run to help these poor people and then.... they are statues!!!

We laughed and laughed, it was a statue of a little girl reading a book to a little boy. I was happy that it was only statues but it brought back memories of cold, hunger, and despair for Abby. I am so thankful that I know God can use the worst of circumstances and turn them into something for His glory. Because Abby has known hunger, cold, and fear she is unafraid to seek those hurting out and to do all she can to help them. May we all have moments of laughter in our lives to mix with the tears of sadness. May we all use our sadness and pain to lighten the load of others.

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