Sunday, January 27, 2008


Food is with out a doubt our biggest issue with Abigail. I was feeling frustrated yesterday as I offered her at least 20 things and "no Mom" was the response to all of them. But then she looks at me and says "Eat Mom?" It is frustrating after almost a month home and still not being able to find stuff she really likes. The bigger perspective; that is our biggest issue! She has attached well, is communicating effectively, and seems to be adjusting with out any major hitches. Not to mention she will let me do her hair! I am not great, and certainly not fast, but she is tolerant.

Sam has some food issues too but they are getting better. He is the complete opposite of Abby, he eats everything! At first he struggled with hoarding, over eating, and sharing (even a loaf of bread). Sam has suffered sever hunger and his reactions were nothing that we had not been prepared for thanks to a wonderful and informative conference by Kingdom Kids. We have made food available at all times and this last week Sam actually said "no" to food when it was offered to him! That is huge; we didn't expect him to trust that we would care for him and meet his needs so quickly.

In short the fact that food is our biggest issue is a blessing and an answer to the many prayers we sent up while we were waiting. They are happy for the most part and have blended pretty well with the family. There are small things to look at but they are small; not all consuming huge issues. I will continue to remind my self of these things as the familiar phrase "America food bad" is repeated for the thousandth time. :)

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