Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Remember Me

"Remember me" that is what Sam's ET father told him the last time he saw him. It has been very hard for all of us as Sam's memories are not good. How do you tell a 7 year old who doesn't speak your language that he can remember his father but he doesn't have to live in the past? Sam has shared with us some things that happened with his father even with our limited communication we knew it was not pleasant. We were blessed with a visit of some older children who moved from ET 2 years ago and when Sam began to tell a very wise 16 year old what his memories were the young man ask him to stop. He very wisely told Sam that he didn't want to hear those things and that Sam needs to focus on all the opportunities he has now and not the past. We are so grateful for his wisdom!

Yesterday was very difficult for Sam as he struggles to figure out does he follow the advice of his new friend or his father's last request. It was a long day filled with mood swings, temper tantrums, tears, and mostly confusion. He is having a better day today for which I am exceedingly grateful! I will be so pleased when we have better communication with him.

I think now, that at 7 he bears an awful burden, choices that only he can make. Will he chose to participate in our family or be sullen, depressed, moody, and angry forever? To be faced with this choices that many adults struggle with; to forgive or hold on to anger, live in the past or for the blessings of today? To us it seems clear, embrace the family that has prayed for you, loved you, and sacrificed for you. Not to make you forget your past but to give you a future! Yet I know adults who chose to hold on to all the bad not seeing that there could be so much good if only they would let go of their hurts.

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